Call for papers for ASIEN special issue: Politics of Belonging and Exclusion — Nation-Building in Contemporary Asia

Globalisation processes in the last decades of the 20th century led to academic discourses which had already promulgated the nation-state as an obsolete model. However, recent developments show that efforts of nation-building based on collective identities are on the rise nearly everywhere in the world. These re-emerging trends once again highlight exclusivist ideologies of power and belonging, often engendering internal and bilateral conflicts. Aiming at a comparative perspective on these processes, the editorial board of ASIEN – The German Journal on Contemporary Asia invites submissions for a special issue on nation-building in Asian states. Submitted articles can draw either from empirical, historical, or theoretical research and may focus on the following topics:
- nation-building in post-colonial societies (e.g. in South and Southeast Asia, and successor states of former Soviet republics)
- nation-building as an instrument of global politics, a political strategy, and as a historical-social process
- founding and seminal myths of the nation in Asian states
- marginalisation and exclusion of groups who do not meet the expectation of the proclaimed nation(e.g. ethnolinguistic or religious minorities)
- nations without states, subnationalism, separatism, and indigeneity discourses in Asia
- current nation-building efforts in the longue dureé, such as the interconnectedness between group identity formation processes in the 19th century and nationalism today
- international conflicts linked to current nation-building efforts
- globalisation, transnational alliances and the return of isolationist politics
- movers and stayers – the role of diaspora in globalised national politics
Submissions to this volume can be in English or German language and in one of these two formats: double-blind peer-reviewed research articles (45–50.000 characters) and single-open peer-reviewed research notes (35–40.000 characters). Please submit an abstract (max. 300 words) of your intended contribution and a short biographical note (max. 150 words) to the editorial board of the journal ( until August 31, 2021. The full contributions of the selected submissions will be due by December 31, 2021.

Submissions to this volume can be in English or German language and in one of these two formats: double-blind peer-reviewed research articles (45–50.000 characters) and single-open peer-reviewed research notes (35–40.000 characters). Please submit an abstract (max. 300 words) of your intended contribution and a short biographical note (max. 150 words) to the editorial board of the journal ( until August 31, 2021. The full contributions of the selected submissions will be due by December 31, 2021.